Sibling Rivalry
Helping Your Dogs Get Along
Do your dogs have trouble getting along? Thinking about adding a new dog to your family, but concerned your current dog isn’t ready for a brother or sister? This presentation will cover how to:
- - Manage multiple dogs to decrease stress
- - Safely introduce a new dog to a “selective” resident dog
- - Prevent fights from starting
- - Use positive reinforcement to decrease aggression
- - Teach skills needed for success
- - Spot signs of impending fights
- - What to do if a fight breaks out
- - Safely re-integrate dogs after a fight
- - Evaluate prognosis for success
- - Marvelous Muzzles! Teach your dog that wearing a muzzle is a GOOD thing!
- - Dangerous advice to avoid
- - And more!
These seminars are for humans only. PLEASE DO NOT BRING DOGS.
Includes lecture, photo and video examples. Presented by Sacramento SPCA Behavior and Training Specialist, Lisa Mullinax, CDBC.
Class Name | Week Day | Class Dates | Class Times | Tickets |
Sibling Rivalry | Wednesday | March 28th, 2018 | 6:00-9:00pm | Register Now! |