General Pet Care


Sometimes it’s hard to tell where to turn for information on a pet care or behavior issue. The following questions will help direct you to the services most appropriate for your particular issue(s).

Are you having a behavior issues with your own pet(s) that wouldn’t be resolved after reading through our handouts?
  • Click here for our behavior resource library
Did you want to train your dog to be a service dog (providing a service to an individual with a disability or medical issue) or a therapy dog (that visits children, seniors, hospital patients, etc)?
  • For more information on service dogs, click here
  • Click here to see a list of therapy dog organizations in the Sacramento area.
  • The Sacramento SPCA has a therapy dog program called Love on Loan. For more information please call 916-504-2845.
  • Consider enrolling your dog in training classes at the Sacramento SPCA as preparation for being a therapy dog.

Are you having a problem with someone else’s pet?
For example, maybe your neighbor’s dog is barking too much or your roomate’s cat is attacking your ankles every time you walk by.

  • Talk to the owner of the animal and refer them to this webpage to obtain help from the Sacramento SPCA.
  • If that’s not possible or doesn’t work, call the appropriate animal care and regulation agency for your area to learn about laws concerning animals, and to get help. Click here for a list of these agencies in the greater Sacramento area.
Did you want to report a stray animal or possible animal abuse situation?
  • Call the appropriate Animal Care and Regulation agency in your area to learn about laws concerning animals and to get help. Click here for a list of these agencies in the greater Sacramento area
  • Click here for the Sacramento SPCA web page describing what constitutes abuse or neglect of an animal
Does your issue concern a wild animal?
  • The Sacramento SPCA only deals with behavior issues for pet animals.
  • We do have a trap/neuter/release program for feral cats. Click here for more information on this program, information on feral cats in general, and links to other feral cat resources.
  • Click here for a list of organizations and agencies in the greater Sacramento area with wildlife care programs and other wildlife information.
Do you have questions about your pet’s health
  • The Sacramento SPCA provides the following types of veterinary services to the public:
  • Spaying and neutering - More Information
  • Vaccinations, microchips, and licenses - More Information
  • Flea control
  • If you are having a health issue with a pet adopted from the Sacramento SPCA within the last two weeks, please contact the Adoptions Supervisor at 916-504-2858.
  • If it has been more than two weeks, please contact your veterinarian.
  • For help with veterinary bills, check out this page of Pet Medical Assistance organizations.
  • Click here for a link to Pet Medical Assistance information provided by the Humane Society of the United States website.