Our Wishlist
It’s only through your generosity and compassion that we are able to care for thousands of homeless and abandoned animals in our community each year. Your donations of any of these items are welcome. Each is tax-deductible.
Many of these items can be purchased through our online partner Amazon, who will donate back 0.5% of all eligible purchases to the Sacramento SPCA. Items available through Amazon are indicated by an asterisk(*) below. In your browser, either click the link or simply type in: smile.amazon.com and start shopping today. If you shop through the links provided below, as an Amazon Associate, we will earn from qualifying purchases!
If you plan to drop off any of these items in person, you can do so at our shelter located at 6201 Florin Perkins Road between 10am – 5pm. Just follow the signs to our donation station.
Ongoing Needs:
- Batteries (9V)*
- Classical CDs for Dog and Cat Kennels
- Towels
- Treats – Dog & Cat (Unopened)
General Needs (paid links through Amazon):
- Gerber brand baby food, chicken or turkey (for sick and finicky animals)*
- Greenies Pill Pockets *
- Can openers (manual)*
- Canned dog food*
- Canned pumpkin*
- Carefresh animal bedding*
- Cardboard cat scratchers*
- Cat food, canned pate style*
- Cat toys*
- Cat trees and scratching posts (no carpet preferred!)
- Collars, red or blue*
- Dog treats*
- Exercise pens for pets*
- Gift cards (Staples, Office Depot, etc.)
- Grooming clippers (Oster AS/#40 blades)*
- Heating pads*
- Kitten milk replacement (KMR)*
- Kong toys for dogs
- Kuranda beds
- Office supplies (pens, scissors, Sharpies, etc.)
- Smooth peanut butter*
- Plastic litterboxes (small)*
- Scoopers
- Stuffed toys for dogs (labeled safe for children)*
- Wooden Toys/Treats for Small Animals